ForSitePro - Programs

Understanding Programs, Program navigation and related user and application settings

Noelle Van Eynde avatar
Written by Noelle Van Eynde
Updated over a week ago

When you first log into ForSitePro, you’ll see your bond program at the 30,000ft level. Upon expanding the records, or as you “Drill Down”, you see the projects and their subsequent records. That collection of records is what defines your program.

A single instance of ForSitePro™ can contain multiple programs. Multiple programs are managed in the instance’s Program Workspace.

Understanding your instance’s settings and how to manage them is an integral part of successful use of the ForSitePro application. To access the settings menu, click on the avatar and select “settings”.

Here, you see admin settings and program settings. Let’s first visit the Fund program setting. Upon clicking, you will see the current Fund Account defaults that were established during configuration of your instance. These are the defaults that determine assignment of initial funding, credit and interest entries in addition to funds returned to the Program via budget transfers from projects.

Below, users are able to manage funds and series. All funds associated to the current program are listed in this view. Series are added together to give you the current total fund amount. A user can add new or edit existing funds as well as manage series status – either active or inactive.

Let’s next visit admin settings for Sites. Sites are the predecessor to projects and are defined as a collection of projects within a single location. Here you are able to view a list of the current program’s sites as well as add add, edit or delete sites.

Finally, we will navigate to the Admin settings for Budget Groups and object codes. Object codes are critical to fund management – they allow for fund allocations and transfers within or between projects and determine how a budget is dispersed within a project.

Fund Account Allocations occur at the Program level. By clicking on the Program name, I navigate to the Program drawer where I’m able to see an overview of financial information at the program level. When I select fund accounts, I’m given a list of this program’s funds from which I can select a fund and see a comprehensive list of fund activity for the life of the designated fund source.

Keeping the fund selected, I’m able to Transfer money to existing projects or I can add credit or interest to the existing fund.

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