Transaction Statuses
Noelle Van Eynde avatar
Written by Noelle Van Eynde
Updated over a week ago

It is important to understand the different transaction statuses that are used within ForSitePro. These transaction statuses are crucial to ensure that users are aware of the status of their payments, drafts, and approvals. Here are the five types of transaction statuses available in the application:

  1. Approved - Payment Pending: This status indicates that a payment has been approved, but the payment is still pending. This means that the transaction has been authorized, but the funds have not yet been received (or paid).

  2. Draft: This status indicates that a transaction is still in draft mode, and has not yet been submitted for approval or payment. This is useful for users who want to save their work and return to it later.

  3. Paid: This status indicates that a payment has been successfully processed and funds have been transferred. A transaction marked Paid is in a final state and financial details cannot be edited.

  4. Pending: This status indicates that a transaction is awaiting payment. This means that the transaction has been submitted, but has not yet been paid.

  5. Rejected: This status indicates that a transaction has been rejected.

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